deep thoughts at midnight.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

This is what I've noticed about watching Will and Grace. I don't nearly laugh as much as when the camera is on Will and Grace. I swear, if it wasn't for Jack, I wouldn't even bother to watch the show sometimes. Although I do think Debra Messing is this generations Lucille Ball....

Did everyone remember to pay their taxes today?

I've blocked mine out actually. I never get any money back. It totally bites. I feel as though I need to have a kid, just to get a tax break.


I was watching this Women in Comedy thing on tv and the first lead in was about women giving birth. It sort of depressed me, I mean, it's 2003 and women are still only known for giving birth?

It's like we're still expected to be baby machines. I don't know. It just struck me as a little sad.

I applaud those women who do have kids, but I do think women are more than just baby machines. I mean, if they were doing a Men in Comedy show their first lead in would not be about Men with babies. It'd be Men with sports or Men not being able to clean or some stupid thing. It's just as limiting to them as it is to us.


Gender rules. Who needs them?

April 15, 2003 11:23 p.m.
