The Importance of Being an Everyday Person

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I bought a new printer today- my old one decided to leave the planet. So I have been printing out the weirdest shit for the last half hour...

wow. It takes so little to amuse me.

I also printed out my story- it is now 81 pages long! Do I rock or what? ha. It's almost finished.. I can feel it.

And I bought an entire package of those little Andes mints you get at the Olive Garden? The little chocolatey mint ones? I also bought some toffee chip ones too and some Red Vines.

My sweet tooth has decided to awaken.

I discovered the most amazing book yesterday- it's called I Captured the Castle and it's simply wonderful- for anyone who has ever wanted to write, for anyone who has ever kept a journal, for anyone who has ever lived in an old castle ruin, this books for you. It's gorgeous, I tell you. Gorgeous. Words that jump off the page and dance upon your skin, entering your mind and heart with the slightest whisper.... the book just breathes in your hand. I read the first 3 chapters just sitting in the cafe, sipping down hot chai's and snacking on cheesecake. I literally forgot where I was.

You have to love books that can make you do that.

April 16, 2003 4:58 p.m.
