I've been M'ladied to death.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

Went to the Renaissance Faire today (Just in Phoenix, no I don't do time travel) and had a good time. And the sunburn across my brow to prove it. My forehead was the one spot I didn't put enough makeup on and so.. I'm red on the top part of my head. Looks lovely with my red hair....


Anyway- spent loads too much money (50$ on jewelry!! eek!) but heck, it's once a year, right? Got a new stylin ye old coffee mug and some Brian Froud prints that I'm going to have framed. Also bought this cute moon shaped bottle/charm thingie that I haven't decided what to do with yet. And... that's it really. Took forever to drive out there. Sheesh. (plus 20$ bucks for gas almost-double sheesh) but it was fun. Had the most delicious frozen italian (vanilla) soda- superb!! Because well, you know, back in the ye olden days, people were ALL about the Italian Soda's. It was three dollars (eek!) but I didn't care because I was SOOO thirsty from the hot arizona sun (it was 81 today!) and it tasted soooooooo good.

It really was a beautiful day- not a cloud in the sky and no smog either. Lovely.

Of course, now I'm pooped. Of course, I have been up since 6am and only had 5 hours sleep.

Heaven bless the person who invented the idea of "nap-time".

March 22, 2003 5:49 p.m.
