a lot of words....no fury... still signifying nothing

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

Correction to previous entry:


see. I don't even know how to spell. of course it was at 5oDAMN!it's early am.. so, cut me some slack....

Wow, you know I may actually end up getting around 3,000 dollars after all is said and done. (crosses fingers and hops on one foot) I had forgotten about my Profit sharing program. Something the company sort of pushes on you when you've been there a year. SO basically, I have all this money that's been taken out out of my weekly checks just sitting there. And since I don't plan on ever working for the "X"Company again, I may as well request it out and just take a small hit as far as taxes are concerned. Wow. I could live on that for a few months, at least...

Or get another job soon after and then have some money for a down payment on something...

hm. maybe I shouldn't count my chickens before they've been subjected to Uncle Sam's mighty tax vaccuum. Guess I'll be able to know exactly how much I'll be getting in the next coming weeks...

Wow! The new Harry Potter book is due out June 21st! Almost in time for my birthday! Yipee!What a nice present J.K. Rowling has saved for me. heh.

Oh wow. You guys will never believe this..but I've started writing a fanfiction. A fanfiction. EEK. I think I have finally crossed that line of no return. (shakes head) Actually, if it gets me into writing again, then I'm all for it. My muse has been silent now for too long. I haven't had a real poetic moment in ages. And I used to write all the time. Maybe this will branch out to something else....

whew. I'm tired.

January 15, 2003 4:46 p.m.
