Make it so, #1

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

So last night I filled in the last jewel on the Geek Girl of the Year's crown and saw Star Trek Nemesis. It was actually a very decent movie. Sort of sad though because I have a feeling it will be the last one and it struck me how all these things are ending. Star Trek. Star Wars. Friends. Harry Potter (well later than most, but soon enough). Buffy. Lord of the Rings. All my favorite geeky things that make me want to stick around... ending.


Someone at work died. Well sort of. He worked in our other office, in St. Louis. An older guy, but not that much older, if you know what I mean. And it's so sad becase no one knew it for two days. He hadn't shown up for work and they couldn't reach him via the phone and so they sent someone over there. And they found him. How depressing is that? And I flashed on the future of my life and saw this happening to me- old and dead in a little one bedroom apartement and no one knowing for days because 1) I'd still be all alone and single 2)No one would miss me except work.

Sad sad sad. The scarier part is I just talked to him the week before and he helped me out with something. Sort of gives you the heebie jeebies by default, doesn't it?

This Harry Potter obsession of mine is getting out of control, by the way. I spent almost 40 dollars at the bookstore the other night buying various merchandise. Sad. Although I am now the happy owner of a cute little fluffy Hedwig I've decided to keep at work. But still.. eh.

When I'm lonely or bored, I shop. Which is why I will never be rich.

I should probably get out of the house today, but eh... I'm tired and sad and have this pimple that will not disappear right smack dab on the middle of my nose. Tell me, why do they do that? Why can't they show up some place no one sees? Why right there- in the middle of your forehead or nose or chin. I feel like I'm 13 and getting my period for the first time. yech.

I think my elfin name will be Yechin.


2002-12-14 6:50 a.m.
