follow the white rabbit, Neo

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

For those who opted for the two cents on my love life (hah!)- I replied in my guestbook, hurry! run up there and.... and well, wait until you're done reading this, I guess. I want to pull in readers, not lose them to guestbooks.

okay? where was I? hmm, remember how I said I was feeling better? It was all a brave facade. O-kay. It was a trick of the mind. Basically I got up, took my bath, washed my yucky hair and then collapsed again. Bleh. Guess I wasn't as well as I thought. My stomach has decided to go nuclear without my consent and without the use of two code keys. The grubby bastard. So yeah. I pretty much was useless today. I did have a mini-movie-marathon which is THE ONLY good thing about being sick. I watched:

Lord of the Rings

Harry Potter

The Matrix

Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind

and am about to curl up with Sliding Doors because frankly, all these testosterone-y films have given me a headache and I need some chick movie action. (No. Not THAT kind).

My dog is asleep on the floor. All stretched out like a little doggy rug. She's so cute. I wish I had a digital camera so y'all could see... did I just use the word y'all? Damn. Next I'll be saying grits. eek.

Anyway. Adios my dear readers. Here's hoping I have a bathroom free night.


2002-09-14 10:49 p.m.
