blue meanies have taken me over

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

The blues are an evil thing. They crawl up inside you like a parasite or disease and sit there... waiting to strike. They live in your brain, coloring your thoughts. They move around inside you like a big bad snake and eat up all your feelings. They color everything you do and think and feel....

Blah. I hate the blues.

Let's just say I'm getting a lot of rest this 4 day weekend of mine.

I think I need to make a conscious effort today and actually get out of the house for awhile. Or the blues really will have me. For good.

I think I need to go buy something completely silly and completely useless.

Wasting money always makes me feel better. Why is that?

Answers on a postcard please.....

2002-09-01 9:00 a.m.
