Newness transpires all around me

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Yes! New Layout. No! Not the one I mentioned before. I spoke to the creator of said layout and she advised me that because of the type of picture the background was, it would look really horrible without the inline scroll. So since she created it, I took her word for it. She said she might try to work on a non in line scroll thingie for me, so you might see another change eventually. But I really like this one. For now. You know me- change change change! that's what makes the world go round!- I like looking at new things when I look at my diary, so neeners. I can change as many times as I want. :-p

In other news I had a dream about Steve Martin. Again. Long time readers will know that I tend to have whacked out dreams with celebrities in them. This was no exception. This was even a SEX dream. *gasp* No, not with Steve Martin. But with some young thing named Josh who had never done it before and me, for some reason I looked like Gillian Anderson in the dream, except with long long auburn hair, showed him the way. And did I mention that the whole world was about to get eaten by aliens?! And did I mention it took place at a highschool(I was a teacher) in Colorado?! Did I mention that Steve Martin was a fellow teacher who everyone thought was odd and weird and who eventually saved the day by killing the giant squid alien?! hmmm

See. Whacked out dreams.

It must be something I ate.

2002-08-25 7:37 a.m.
