Here is London. Home of the Brash, Outrageous and Free.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

So. The Morrissey concert was a big success. Even though they said doors were going to open at 6pm and they didn't till 7:10. Even though it was hotter than hell outside and I think I melted a little bit (we eventually moved enough to stand inside). Even though he only played one song for an encore (grumble). And even though we had to stand the whole time because everyone else was standing, it was definitely a fun time. (you can tell I'm getting old, these things bother me more).

He had an opening band- King Cheetah ? which I had never heard of but they were pretty hard core which I thought hilarious given the crowd. (Question: why is it when guys love Morrissey they feel they have to LOVE Morrissey and therefore dress like him and cut their hair like him?- it's like the Madonna effect of the early 80's except backwards cuz it's men). He finally came on after many old western songs later and something that sounded like the guy from Rocky Horror Picture Show except it wasn't. He looked good. Black, collar up high, sweater (which he quickly took off!)and a white shirt with long sleeves (unhooked) underneath and black jeans. I realized that Morrissey has got to be.. what? 40 something? Damn. It made me feel old, especially since half the crowd wasn't even born when he had his first hit with the Smiths! He did some new songs which escaped me because I haven't picked up his latest one yet but then he went into "Please, Please, Please, let me get what I want" and the place went wild. And then he went into "Hairdresser on Fire" which totally freaked people out. I have never seen so much jumping in such a small place before. We had pretty decent seats too, about 12 rows back. I have never seen people rush the stage the way they did at this concert- I'd say almost a dozen guys rushed the stage. Some made it. Most got carried off by the HE-Man bodyguard. One guy got up there and hugged Morrissey and then the guards took him away and as he was being dragged he bowed to Morrissey and Morrissey bowed back!! One guy even toppled their amp set!! I'm pretty sure it was busted as the guitarist complained the rest of the night (wanker!). Morrissey seemed in good spirits though- being very quirky and funny. He didn't do my favorite- The Last of the International Playboys- but he did do November Spawned a Monster and Suedehead and Lucky Lisp and Everyday is Like Sunday, so I was happy. :) He did a couple more Smiths songs including Meat is Murder which was sort of cool and made me feel very guilty for have ate a hamburger for dinner.

What I don't get is that Morrissey played Flagstaff the night before, Phoenix last night, is playing Tucson tonight and then goes on to Yuma. YUMA.

He's like doing a mini-tour of the state which, let's face it, no one does unless it's California or Texas. I don't understand the Yuma one. It's this total border town. It's like you blink and bye bye.. it's gone. Weird. Guess next time I see Moz I'll have to ask. ;-)

Well there were other things I could write about (including the totally fake and annoyingly drunk people behind us) but that's enough for now.

Aren't I just a tease? lol

2002-08-10 8:14 a.m.
