this entry brought to you by: SUGAR!

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Wow. This is cool. With the new diary and all, I can actually tell who is who by their ISP. (*evil cackle*-oh what I plan to do with that information)

Some people were asking about my new moniker (er. that would be nerd speak for 'name') And I tell you, I'm not sure where I got it exactly. I had a list that I had been doodling on and playing with- different words I liked etc. Most of them contained the word 'geek' in them because.. well. I'm a geek, but anyway, I wanted something different from ___________(fill in other title here) and bluestarhalo just really seemed to grab me, right from the begginning. It sounded MUCH better than chickenheadgeek or musicalsphere. (trade mark on both of those by the way)

So what does it mean, exactly? Dunno. But it sure sounds purty, don't it? hmmm.

Now I should get a little tattoo of a blue star with a little halo around it. :) I tried to find a new layout that had a blue star but alas... none out there. Well. None that I liked. Ah. The joy of being picky.

(I'm stealing this next bit from a diary I stumbled onto last night-thecultofme- just to give credit where credit is due)

Things I learned today:

1) I have a much better time at work if I am busy. The day goes by smoother and quicker. And as long as I don't let the stresses get to me it's ok. I'm actually engergized after work today. Of course that may be the two chocolate covered espresso beans I had too.

2) Austin Powers earned 75.1 million over the weekend and not one person I talked to today had seen it. True, I have a small sampling area but I thought it was funny, considering.

3)Joaquin Phoenix (my future husband) has a girlfriend! GASP!! Don't worry though I'm sure it's a passing thing until he meets me, his true love in life.

No. I'm not mental.

At least, not by much.


2002-07-29 4:23 p.m.
