This is way too much fun, thanks mangofarmer!

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

*Second Edition*
Diaryland Trading Card!

She Shimmers, She Glows..oh, you know the rest..
member since 7-28-2002
529 entries
Gold Edition

Description: Bluestarhalo is a romantic. Against her will. Somewhere, out there in the wilderness is her cynic pride, being beaten to a pulp by LOVE. This is why she chose an angel for a photograph. Bluestarhalo is Tragic.

Strengths: Sense of humor, total lack of ego, love of all things Harry Potter, her sense of direction and her uncanny ability to pick the right song for the right moment.

Weaknesses: Allergies. Lethargy. Persnickityness. Being the only person still alive that knows what persnickity means. Men in glasses and redheads.

Turn Ons: Men in glasses and redheads. Cello music. Laughter. Hands and fingers. Things that make her go hmmm...oh, and also a hot, luxurious tongue slabbed all over her body, usually does the trick too...

Turn Offs: Republicans. Snobs. Mean People. Hair Gel. Misunderstandings. When no one signs the guestbook. Cold water.

Motto: Always love your mother, she gave you life.

Brought to you with love by Daydreamings.
Get your own!

Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 7:57 pm
