I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

So ROTK was just as marvelous as always. I swear it actually gets better. Hmm. Strange.

But anyway, the movie gods were looking down on poor ol'Bluestarhalo and they said, hey- let's throw the girl a bone and I SAW THE HARRY POTTER TRAILER!!! For Prisoner of Azkaban. WOOO. I was so excited I almost fell out of my super douper seat.

I absolutely cannot wait for June 4th people. The movie looks awesome.

And yeah, Dan looks yummy.

Um. Can a 32 year old woman say a 14 year old boy looks yummy? I swear I mean it in a wouldn't touch him till he's legal way, honest. Um. Yeah.

Anyway.. moving right along...praying no one turns her in...

Yes, I do realize that Aragorn is spelled ARAGORN and not ARAGON as I was writing it before. Cut me some slack. I was under the veil of heavy antihistamines.

I got the very last copy of the new EMPIRE magazine that has two full books about ROTK and all my hobbit type men. WOOHOO.

Okay. This post has been nothing but drivel. I do so apologize to those looking for substance and mettle. My mettle has gone on vacation. It's visiting Endoras and will swing back this way soon.


January 06, 2004 11:25 p.m.
