Mysteries better left unexplained.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

There is something to be said for emotional insomnia, because you end up looking at things you'd normally not look at and sometimes you find things that maybe, normally, you'd not find, even with the world's great search engine... and so we come to Bluestarhalo version 100.0003 Hobbit-Style. To celebrate that most fine of all things cinematic- Return of the King. (Doesn't the title just give you a shiver? hmm)

I found this picture on some odd little site and I'd never seen it before and I fell in love so now it is mine and don't they all look quite happy and interested in whatever it is Sir Wood has them looking at? (Could it be porn?! HA!) Anyway, I played around with the hues and aged it and added some blinds... I think it looks mighty fine, if I do say so myself.

As for the title- How'd You Get So Pretty... I don't know from where within my brain it came, but there it is. The word 'Pretty' was already on the shot and I worked around it. But my, aren't they pretty to look at? Hmmm...

I've been keeping a very low profile. Out of necessity, really. Heavy thoughts lend themselves to dark times, after all. But I'm still around. Watching and waiting... for what? I don't know... but there you have it.

Happy Weekend all.

November 22, 2003 3:31 p.m.
