Save the air brush, darlin

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I have the worst headache in the world.

Just thought I'd let you guys know.

I spent like 4 hours at the bookstore today reading all the new magazines (I know, I'm terrible..but hell, they're so expensive). I had a chai tazo frappacino thingie. It was like.. devine milk from the breast of Isis. Or some other goddess type person. Anyway, it was really good. I highly suggest having one. (you can even order it without the breast milk)

(I'm kidding about the breast milk by the way)

Anyway, I entrenched myself into the world that is mass media and came out scarred. Well, okay, not that scarred. I actually read a lot of good articles. I picked up Bust, which I was really unhappy with- it used to be a cool magazine, now it looks like Marie Claire with gutso (which I'm sure someone will snip). Then I moved onto BITCH which totally rocked my feminist living world and read a great article about how everything in today's world is digitally enhanced so much that we think we're inferior just because we have wrinkles or scars or other eh-gads! blemishes. Totally great article, I loved it. It talked about how kids growing up now think the only way to feel better about themselves is by surgery or by having some sort or injection of something. Their world has been plastic-sized and they compare themselves to images that don't even exist.

I was sitting there going 'right on sistah' for quite awhile.

I swear, I don't know why I just don't give in and try lesbianism, sometimes.

Oh yeah. I like men. Damn.

I should go to sleep.

Why do I only update this diary at like, effin 1:30 am?!

September 03, 2003 1:33 a.m.
