helms deep, ain't so deep

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

See, what you have to understand about me is that I may get down, but writing about it helps, from time to time, so don't worry about me too much, if I'm blathering on about the suckiness of life in here. It's just me getting the words, the feelings, out of my system.

That said, conversely you should really be afraid if for someone reason I do stop talking because that means it's serious with a captal S.

Any question? Commit them to postcards, please.

I'm excited about the Two Towers! woot! (someone recently told me it was unfemine to say the word Woot!-blah!)

I think I may go get a hair cut today as well..(finally) and then finally dye my hair again as I am tired of all this brownish reddish crap. Pick a color dammit and stay that color! *bluestarhalo glares at her own reflection*

I couldn't sleep last night. I think I'm mentally hyperactive. Actually, I know I am. If just one ounce of my mental hyperactivity could be curbed into physical hyperactivity, the world would be a better place.

Now.. onto those sexy hobbits and that kingly like person with the sexy eyes..and oh yeah, that elfin type blonde god and the... hmmm... Lord of the Rings.... *bluestarhalo wanders off, emitting moaning sounds and leaving drool in her wake...*

August 26, 2003 9:41 a.m.
