Brown is the color

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I've always liked this photo. One of my favorites that I've taken. I've aged it a great deal, of course, but I think the shot sort of leads to that.

It's the strangest thing- this car behind bars. It's in Jerome, which is this really old copper mining town and it's placed very high up, on Mingus Mountain. The streets are very narrow and the houses and buildings are very old and perched very near the cliff. Sort of a smaller version of San Fransisco. Without the ocean and wharfs, of course. Anyway, as you're making your way down the mountain you come across these old garages built into the side of this huge stone cliff wall and this particular garage has had this old car in it forever. As long as I can remember or at least, as long as I've been going up to Jerome. I stopped the car when I took this, risking both life and limb and snapped it through a rolled down window. What fun.

It's like someone is caging in the past or trying to save it or something, I don't know.

I just like it.

July 19, 2003 12:36 p.m.
