wasting time

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

Does anyone else feel like Diaryland is losing interest? I mean, remember when the weekends meant updating? Now hardly anyone does. At least on MY list. And no one ever visits on the weekends either... it's a dustbowl around here...

I watched City Slickers last night after I don't know how many years- I hadn't watched it in forever and I laughed myself silly. Regardless of whether or not you like the movie, you have to admit the script to that film is down right hilarious. Some highlights:

(doorbell rings) "Who could that be? I know 9 people and they're all here."

"You're crazy!"

"Yes! Not having sex for 12 year will do that to a person!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you more! If hate were people, I'd be China!!"

"I just moseyed over here. You know I've never done that before? I mean, I've walked, I've ran, I've even sashayed once, but that was in front of the draft board.... hello? whoo. Tough corral."

"Did you see his face? It was so leathery...! He's like a saddlebag with eyes!"

and so on and so on... funny stuff, I tell ya.

Of course, I think Billy Crystal is hilarious.

It is so hot in Arizona right now. Friggin 100 degrees!!!! I was so hot in bed last night I couldn't sleep- tossing and turning. Sweaty. Not in a good way. Bleh. I hate summer.

May 18, 2003 11:22 a.m.
