Here we are now.. entertain us

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Have you ever tried to write erotica? I would imagine it's hard. I mean, I never have really, but I was sitting here thinking about.. well, nothing, and I was wondering how hard it would be to write erotica. I mean, so much of it could just be cheesy, you know?

I don't know. Maybe that's me.

I went to the health food store and bought these healthy granola bars. Specifially these date and almond bars. Low in calories, no fat, and low in sugar. And would you believe they are sweeter than a candy bar?! I can't even finish it, it's so sweet.

So much for trying not to snack on junk.

I think the candy gods are plotting against me anyway, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (my favorite candy, hands down) have come out with whitechocolate peanut butter cups. Woot. I can't wait to try one. I love me some white chocolate.

Oh well. It's Friday. I'm bored.

Someone entertain me. Please.

May 16, 2003 5:49 p.m.
