Sick of myself

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I was a zombie today. Bleh. I still feel.. halfway between well and halfway to sick. It's like some bizarre Waiting Room for the Damned I've found myself in. On one side is coughing and hacking up snot on the other.. blissful night of rest.


I figured I should update since no one has stopped by in hours.

So yeah, this is one of those push for stats.

Aren't I awful?

I am so sick of drinking tea. Right now I'm drinking this Detox tea my mother bought me. When you're well and your tastebuds haven't driven to mexico for the summer? It tastes okay- sort of like a flavor challenged chai. But when you're sick and can't taste worth crap? It suddenly is like.. well, it's like walking around barefoot in an India hothouse- there's cloves, cinnamon, tarragon and some of such herb I can't place. It's like... I don't know. I think I've spoken too much as it is.


May 07, 2003 9:44 p.m.
