Monday, Monday

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Good things in the mail today- a friend sent me a Harry Potter Care Package- full of cute little things-AND a bag of Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, which I'm quite frightened to try. lol (they really do have vomit flavored ones!)

The other thing cool thing I got was my Profit Sharing Check, so I am now, once again, in the Money. Although it wasn't as much as I had thought, which sort of stinks. But oh well.

Unfortunately though I think I may have inadvertently screwed myself. I signed up for unemployment and like a dope I told them I had opted to remove my profit sharing. So now I'm probably screwed out of getting unemployment. Although what I told them was that my check probably wouldn't be here until June, which to be truthful, is what I thought- the check wasn't supposed to be here until after 60 days. It came a whole month early.


I am really scared to eat these jellybeans.. I think I just had grass...

And not the kind you smoke.

April 28, 2003 1:46 p.m.
