Make me beautiful

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I got a haircut. Cheapest one ever in the lifetime of my hair: 12 dollars. (well 15 after tip) Just walked into some salon and said cut me!

heh. Okay. It was more like, I don't have an appointment, but can I get a cut and style?!

He didn't blow dry it because I guess that's extra (cheap bastards) but anyway, gosh! it feels so much better!! That long hair of mine was just weighing me down. I feel like the world is off my shoulders.

I didn't get it radically chopped or anything, but it's noticeable and feels oh so much better. He did a good job on it, considering he didn't know my head from some lettuce. Whooo.

I'm dyeing it either tonight or tomorrow. It's been AGES>I have to get rid of this yucky brown.

I went to the bookstore afterwards, with my damp head, and was going to buy all these books and then walked out with nothing. Books are way too expensive these days, you ask me. A little paperback was 14 dollars! Isn't that a lot for a simple 24 chapter book or am I crazy?


April 07, 2003 9:01 p.m.
