Nice men don't kiss like that...

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I am in an English mood. I have a healthy stack of dvd's by my feet and am commencing English Chick flim fest:

Bridget Jones's Diary (swoon-Colin Firth)

Notting Hill (swoon Hugh Grant)

Emma (swoon Jeremy Northam)

An Ideal Husband (swoon Jeremy Northam And Rupert Everett)

and saving the best for last:

Sense and Sensibility (swoon Alan Rickman)

Much Ado About Nothing (swoon everybody)

Now either I have a slight Jane Austen/Oscar Wilde/Shakespeare fetish or I just really like english men.

It must be the accent.

April 05, 2003 5:58 p.m.
