Old shoes, books and other things

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

Wow. I was Miss Update, yesterday wasn't I?

You lucky readers you.

So yeah, I was cleaning out my closet yesterday (still not done) and came across this collection of old letters. I mean, old. From highschool. And not the kind you send in the mail either, but notes and little letters me and my friends would pass between classes.

What a trip! This is sort of embarrassing, but when me and my best friend were in Junior High, we loved Duran Duran. And we would write these long histories to each other as though we were married to one of the members. I kid you not. She was married to Roger Taylor and I was married to John Taylor. And we had another friend who was married to Nick Rhodes and we would all exchange letters detailing our jet set lives. I probably read about a handful of them yesterday. I couldn't stop laughing. We were very precocious 13 year olds, what can I say? Very creative and very unhappy with our love lives too (we didn't really understand boys at that age).

Digging deeper into the bag, I found an old letter from my grandfather, which made me cry a little bit, because he's been gone for so long now. And I found old cards and what not. Old college friends. And then I ran across this collection of letters from an old friend I was in love with all through highschool.

His name was Scott. And I loved him from junior year on. Even put a poem in his locker. (I was such a romantic then) He was smart and cute and nice. And he wore glasses. I was a goner from the start. Anyway, needless to say, Scott never felt the same way about me, but he was nice enough to make me pine for him for two whole years of my life. We didn't really become friends until we were able to spend some time together outside of school, which happened here and there. He even took me out on my birthday one summer, which considering I was some crazy in love with him chick, was very nice of him. He ended up going to the same college as me, but we didn't see each other that often and then I found out he dropped out because of money issues and moved back home. So I, or maybe it was him, I'm not sure- started a little pen pal thing. It didn't last very long, if I remember correctly. And I can't remember if it was him or me that stopped writing. But in reading over the letters I'd saved, I was once again swept back to that place where I was so innocent and so desperately trying to get him to finally like me. Who knows what may have happened if we had continued.

I did see him once more, just once, it was right after my graduation from college and he was at the mall with his brother. We spoke for a bit. He filled me on his life- how he was going after a creative writing degree. How I'd inspired him to consider writing as a career. He looked good. Truth of the matter is, so did I. Probably one of those rare occasions where I didn't look crappy. We exchanged phone numbers, but we never did call each other...

So. There you have it. A trip down memory lane from yours truly. And all because I decided to clean out my closet.

Who knows what other skeletons I'll find.

March 30, 2003 12:03 p.m.
