
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

You ever wonder why you're here? Why you bother? Why putting words down in this little box actually matter?

You know, I was going to get soooo much done on this little work hiatus of mine, but it's the end of the month already and I've done squat. Really. I can tell you what tv shows are on and when but other than that... bleh.

To be fair, my ideas for traveling were cut short because of the gas price issues and my mom having her surgery and me having to take her to doctors appointments every other day and then taking her to the store, the bookstore, the movies because she's bored etc haven't exactly given me free time. But still, I'm disappointed in myself.

I paid my final credit payment. Do you know what that means? I'm debt free. For the first time in a long time. No credit cards to pay. Car paid off. All I have is my insurance bill once a month. That's it. I think a part of me is scared about what that means. I have no excuse holding me back now, no excuse to keep me from growing up.

I guess that's why I'm depressed.

Or why I still feel lost. I'm no closer to knowing what I want to do. My place is still a mess. And I can't even seem to finish these blasted stories of mine...


I'm begginning to wonder why I get out of bed.

March 24, 2003 11:27 p.m.
