If it's not one thing.. it's another

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

My sleeping patterns have taken a turn for the worse. It's the whole being sickie thing. I didn't sleep at all Friday or Saturday so I've been catching hours here and there and then waking up at 3am wide awake and reading until 5 or 6 and then collapsing into sleep. I feel wired.

Or I have my days and nights mixed up.

Gives me a change to move around the web though- not a lot of people clogging the wires at 2 am....

Yes. I still have a dial up. Sue me. Actually, don't because if I had any money I'd have a cable modem already. Pffffbf.

My room is a complete and utter mess. Bleh. What is it about being sick that causes empty glasses, tissues and other sick things to clog around you?

And it's like I don't even care. I look at my desk with it's 20 million half used cups and glasses and shrug. Tsk tsk tsk at me...

I feel better today but I think I'm getting my period so my body is still in pain. Figures.

Just cancel the whole month of March for me, okay?

March 10, 2003 11:45 a.m.
