no meaning profound

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

So in order to purefy myself, I watched Amelie before bed. At least I attempted to. A friend called during it and I only got as far as the middle. Oh well. Guess that's what today is for.

Today is my mom's b-day so I took off work. She has a follow up doctors appointment, but after that I can take her out. Not a lot she can do with a huge stinkin cast on her arm, but other than that...

I had a hard time falling asleep. Because I kept thinking of all the things I'm not. And I hate it when I do that because my mind just won't shutup. I think too much. And that goes for the good and the bad. And so somewhere around midnight I was sort of convinced I'm a useless piece of human space. No cheery thoughts whatsoever: I felt unattractive. Unlovable. Untalented. I can't write. No one would miss me. No one does miss me. No one notices me. Blah blah blah blah de blah.

I think I fell asleep sometime in the middle of all that.

So add unrested to the list as well.


February 10, 2003 6:06 a.m.
