
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I was entry writing in my head on the way home and had all these profound things to say (for a change) and now.. here, after dinner, settling into my routine.. eh.. doesn't seem so very important anymore...

c'est la vie.

I am getting very excited for Califorina! even though it's not going as originally planned, I'm still getting psyched. I've figured out I have around 800$$ to actually play with, so watch out! world! woot!

okay reality, I can't really spend all that, but hey.. it's nice to dream...

I have already bought my film (75 exposures, total) and can't wait to take some pictures...

I think I'm more excited about that than anything. California Adventure should be ripe with photo ops... did you guys know they have a farmer's market, a mini fisherman's wharf, a hiking area and Muppets 3-D??!!

I think it's going to blow my mind, how much it's changed.

wow. Just one more day of work! yes!

(only way I managed to get my ass out of bed was thinking this thought)

2002-12-23 6:08 p.m.
