crusty eyes and dirty nails

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Well now I know why I've been so blah lately. It's that wonderful time of the month. And right now I've got a serious case of PIS (Period Insomnia Syndrome) which means I'm all mental hyperactive and physically exhausted. What a happy pair those make.

hmm. I took a hot bath tonight and lined up candles along the wall and turned out the light... very relaxing. Then I snuggled into bed and watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. There's something oddly comforting about that cartoon. Makes me think of grade school and trick or treating. And PigPen still makes me laugh, but nothing beats.. "ARRRGGGHHHH!!".

I wanted to go see Punch Drunk Love tonight but forgot it came out. Oh well. Was much too tired to go anyway. I think my internal clock is messed up, it wants to sleep when I should be awake and be awake when I should be asleep. Bleh.

Tori Amos has a new album out soon! Yes. Something for me to look forward to.. although I don't think I will be catching her tour this time around. I think I am toured out. IF that's possible. Too much money, at any rate. Currently though I totally and completely besotted with this:

It's the best thing I've heard all year, hands down. Enchanting, mesmerizing.. beautifully done. It makes me smile because it is SO purely beautiful. Like, just knowing it exists is a reason to be happy, you know? I don't rave about new music that much, but I had to share this one with the unknown public out there because it is SO beautiful. I think everyone should own it. :)

Alright. My time here is done.

finally maybe I can sleep....

2002-10-26 1:04 a.m.
