all I have to do is dream.....

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I had the most amazing dream. It was so vibrant. The colors were just.. wow. I can still almost see though their imprint is still on my brain. It was one of those dreams where everything just seemed to be bursting with color and magic. And yet it was a place I'd been before- at least, a place I'd dreamed about before. Isn't that odd? This time was slightly different but some things stayed the same.

I'm with my parents and we're traveling to some hotel for my wedding or prom. (I know that doesn't really make sense considering I'm 31)And it's fall and there are pumpkin patches along side the road and people are getting out and picking out their pumpkins... which are really huge and such a bright orange... and the forrest and trees behind them are like the deepest green I've ever seen..half the dream is me wanting to stop and pick out mine! But we don't and we get to the hotel and then we're shopping for things and we go into this store where this woman makes everything by hand and I'm staring at the little figurines she's made because I want one for my cake and then suddenly we decide to go on this tour that takes us into this tram like thing up above the mountains and I keep trying to hear the name of the mountain ridge because I know I've been here before but everytime someone goes to say it a noise goes off and I can't hear a thing. Funny how dreams work like that. And when we get to the top of the mountain I'm looking out at the most gorgeous view I have ever seen- the mountains are snowy and green and purple and every color you can think of. And then I woke up.. dammit. Had to pee. Isn't that always the way?!

I don't know. It was really a peaceful dream full of color and life. I haven't had one like that in a very long time. Do you think it was becasue I was really tired yesterday from working?!

2002-09-22 7:00 a.m.
