the cliffs of insanity

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

observations from today:

standing in the sun is enjoyable. especially that time when you've just come from being inside all day and it's shining full blast on you and the wind is hot and blowing ... it actually feels good for about 5 minutes and then reality sets in and you realize you still live in :hell:

pregnant women are completely bitchy

(guess I can't blame them)

I had a long crap day.

Okay so that's not an observation, it's more a fact. still, needed to be said.

people don't listen, I don't know why they bother to call customer service lines. they already know it all anyway (ha!), why do they want to talk to someone else to prove it? fuckers.

Did I just say fuckers??! yes. yes I did.

My porn mail has branched out. Now instead of annoying me in English, I get porn mail in German AND Japaneese.

Alright. I now know how to say 'lick me' in german. right on. Still.. it's amazing how many of these porn girls are named "Candy" and "Tracie".

And finally...if you don't have anything nice to say, get yourself an online diary. blurgh.

2002-08-13 5:01 p.m.
