
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Main Entry: anew

Pronunciation: &-'n�, -'ny�

Function: adverb

Etymology: Middle English of newe, from Old English of nIwe, from of + nIwe new

Date: before 12th century

1 : for an additional time : AFRESH

2 : in a new or different form

Anew. Starting over. Fresh. Clean slate. Maybe I thought it appropiate. Maybe I thought leaving this community behind was a bit too dramatic. Maybe I just needed the losers to lose my address. Whatever the reason, I'm still here. Thanks to a friend convincing me to stay. And if you're here it means either 1) you liked the name when I updated and clicked on for curiosity sake or 2) I invited you.

If it is the later, then feel happy that I trust you enough and like you and who you are and think you're pretty special. :) lol Just don't go blabbing my whereabouts around, you never know who will abuse it and me, for that matter. I know, it's sort of silly, but I was just really tired of the persona of that other diary. And yes, I know, I haven't made it that difficult to find me, but I hope you'll respect my semi-private need here.

So.. say hi, if you'd like. If you don't or don't come by again then I'll understand.

Kissxxxes and hugsooooo


2002-07-28 6:15 p.m.
